Friday, December 24, 2010

December 2010

December is coming to an end =( so not ready for the new year, which means new challenges.. but new opportunity as well =) so turn those frown into a smile!! hehe..

batah dh nda mnulis di blog ani.. kes sibuk yg teramat, too many test to prepare for.. huhu.. i spend most of my time reading and reading and memorising.. i reallllllllllly need a vacation.

so here's what we miss in december!

NO 1 - 

MY BIRTHDAY!! (8 Dec 2010) 

Too bad my friends are having their test on the same day!! but they still manage to prepare for a simple celebration =D

Birthday Muffin or cupcake!! a tradition of us =)

The Official Birthday Cake!! =D
Birthday Card from the girls n bro =)
My birthday gifts from my frens =)
an advanced birthday present from my sis =) mac ori ni a~ bkn yg grade A++ or whatever

NO 2 -

watched Harry Potter and the deathly hallows!!! nasib baik masih ada shownya, sl batah sudah di cinema, n I dont have time kn jln liat wayang sl bz dgn test n assingment.. n the next day, bcos nada idea kn buat apa, we watched Tangled, and it's in 3D!! my first 3D movie~ yippeee~ hehe

oh yea, I forgot something, on our way back to Irbid, it was raining heavily, foggy, and strong wind
captured by the bus's window
and guess what, lusanya SNOW!!! nda kmi ampit snow ah... huhuhuhuhu (ToT)

NO 3-
The title tells the story.. hehe.. no need for any description =P

NO 4 - 

City Mall.. dh blik2 ksana tu boreng tia jua..
Blurih mbli cd dua kping, n jam tgn ja.. x rusak tia jam ah.. jam murah ta jua bnr~ huhu.. n the rest is just window shopping.. hehe

NO 5 - 
Nda pernah2 ni ah wording kek dlm jawi.. hehe.. nyaman keknya, blueberry cheese cake! nyum2~ kami celebrate d Mankal Chicken Tikka.. kyg~ hehe.. courtesy of juhi n baya.. tanx for melanja-ing girls!!! hehe

birthday gifts.. byk~ rezeki org bday pas kuar elon =P

Atu saja x.. hehe.. bh lain x lagi nambah2 a~